Dr. Abdellah Elboubekri – ETII Teacher Trainer + ETII Local Coordinator
Dr. Abdellah Elboubekri is a researcher in Moroccan cultural studies. He got his Master degree in colonial/postcolonial discourses from the University of Mohamed I, Oujda, in January 2007. He got a Ph.D. degree in Moroccan cultural studies from the University of Mohamed Ben Abdellah, Fez, Morocco, in November 2013. He is a former Fulbright FLTA at Drury University, Missouri State from 2007-2008. He is also a former full-time trainee trainer at Teacher Training Center (CRMEF), Oujda. Currently, he is a full-time professor of Cultural Studies at the University of Mohamed I, and a part-time instructor of English at the American Language Center, Oujda. He has taken part in Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL), spring and fall 2017. Currently, he is the ETII coordinator and teacher trainer at the Oujda ALC. He has published two books The Dislocation of Home in the Diasporic Literary Writings (2014), and Pluralism and Secularism in Cunningham Graham's Mogreb-El-Acksa, and many articles in several international and national journals. He is a member of a research unit called Art and Cultural studies in SERHSO and a member also in a university research group called Identity and Difference.